Published on July 1, 2005 By hpkitkat In WinCustomize Site Issues
Hi, i uploaded 3 skin the other day and got an email back saying that 1 of them was rejected, did not hear anything about the other 2, now they have dissapeared out of my account skins.

Would the reason be because they are checking them?


on Jul 01, 2005
could be.
look on the bright side,, they weren't rejected

on Jul 02, 2005
I think sometimes the emails don't get sent or get lost or something, had 2 items rejected for same category, based on both show nowhere now, only received email for one of them.
on Jul 02, 2005
Logon's today..LogGone's tomorrow
on Jul 02, 2005
One was rejected two were approved. However, all of them had the 'personal pages only' ticked. So. if you don't have a personal page. that would explain why you can't see them
on Jul 03, 2005
Hi, thanx for reply all of you. The other 2 were approved but only on my personal page not the main site.

Many thanx